✨ Nomading

Discover and share cool spots around the world

Discover must go spots to visit & eat, find the perfect spot to have fun. Nomading - just how solo travelers explore places.

Just amazing


Explore new places

Discover thousand of new places to go.


Connect with other travelers

Find other cool travelers around to hangout.


Discover cool activities

See cool activities other travelers are doing.

❌ Common problems while traveling solo

✖ Other solutions aren't intuitive.

✖ Don't cover all cities.

✖ Not up-to-date.

✖ Not made for the needs of new gen of solo travelers.

✖ Not real product for solo travelers or poor template product.

✖ Limited catalog, not curated activities.

✖ You have to pay before try them.

Need a perfect laptop friendly cafe to work from?
Looking for best rooftop restaurants?
Feeling sick, need a hospital nearby?
Looking for cool nightlife in town?
Looking for malls to shopping in the area?
What are the best cuisines in town?
Looking for a bakeries for a breakfast?
What are the affordable restaurants to go?
What to do in town?
Looking for hidden gems?
Need a police station?
Looking for top burgers?

Nomading solves it

✔ Cool, intuitive, easy to use.

✔ Cover all cities, neighborhoods, and nearbies.

✔ Always up-to-date

✔ Built by people not AI.

✔ A-class product for real solo travelers (not poor templates).

✔ Over +80 activities & 200 million places to visit.

✔ Try it for free, then upgrade if you like it.

🔍 Explore any city
⛑️ Have safefy
🍔 Food & Drinks
🎭 Culture & Art
❤️ Sports & Healthy
☕ Laptop friendly cafes
🍸 Rooftop restaurants
🏥 Hospitals
🌃 Nightlife
🛍️ Malls & Shopping
🍲 Thai food
🌮 Mex food
🍟 Fish & Chips
🥩 Steakhouses
🍱 Japanese food
🌱 Vegan restaurants
🛕 Temples
💎 Hidden gems
🏄 Surfing
🥾 Hiking
🤿 Scuba diving
🏖 Beaches
🐞 Caves
➕ and more..

Explore curated city guides of top cities like Canggu, Bangkok, Lisbon, and others.

Explore the cool activities and things to do, its surroundings, and nearby areas.

Discover must-know interesting facts about the city you're exploring. Have an 💁 overdiv, 📜 historical facts, 😄 fun facts, 🤔 curious facts, about any city.


Barcelona is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia in the kingdom of Spain.

Barcelona has been a key city in the Mediterranean trade network and the Roman Empire

Founded in the 2nd century BC by the Romans as Colonia Julia Augusta Faventia Paterna Barcino

The Park Güell is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Barcelona

The Casa Batlló is a house designed by Antoni Gaudí that is known for its unique architecture

The Alhambra fountain in the Biosphere Park is a hidden oasis in the heart of the city

The Font Magica is a famous fountain that plays a different show every evening

Explore the best things to do in the city

Seafood restaurants
Romantic dining
Art galleries
Coffee shops
Vegan restaurants
Kebab restaurants
Coworking spaces
Fast food
Candy shop
Things to do
Japanese restaurants
Tourist Attractions
Affordable restaurants
Laptop friendly cafes
Cultural Centres

and more...

Frequently Asked Questions

It's a high quality curated city guide made for the needs of new gen of solo travelers. The app helps digital nomads work, live, and have fun in any city easily.

Solo Traveler: A solo traveler is someone who embarks on journeys alone, without companions or a fixed travel group. Solo travelers may choose to explore destinations independently for various reasons, such as personal preference, self-discovery, or the flexibility to follow their own itinerary. Nomad: The term nomad traditionally refers to a member of a community or tribe that has no permanent settlement, moving from place to place in search of resources or better living conditions. In a modern context, the term has evolved to describe individuals who have a lifestyle characterized by constant travel or living in different locations without a permanent home. Nomads may travel for work, personal reasons, or a combination of both. Digital Nomad: A digital nomad is someone who leverages technology, particularly the internet, to work remotely while maintaining a lifestyle of constant travel. Digital nomads often have jobs that can be performed online, such as freelancing, remote work, or running an online business. Digital nomads are not tied to a specific location, allowing them to choose their work environment and live in various places around the world. In summary, while a solo traveler simply travels alone, a nomad generally refers to someone with a lifestyle of constant movement, and a digital nomad specifically combines travel with remote work facilitated by technology. These terms are not mutually exclusive, and an individual may identify with one or more of these descriptors depending on their preferences and circumstances. A solo nomad is not a widely recognized or standardized term, but it could be used to describe an individual who both travels alone (solo traveler) and maintains a lifestyle characterized by constant movement or lack of a permanent home (nomad). In essence, a solo nomad would be someone who embraces both aspects of solo travel and a nomadic lifestyle. Slowmad: is indeed a term coined by combining "slow travel" and "digital nomadism." It refers to digital nomads who adopt a slower pace of travel, spending longer periods of time in each location they visit. This allows them to immerse themselves more deeply in the local culture, build stronger connections with the community, and reduce their environmental impact compared to constantly moving from place to place. Essentially, slowmads prioritize quality over quantity in their travel experiences while still maintaining their ability to work remotely.

You select activities you wanna do or explore in town and the app pick 5 options for each activities, and it'll build a trip itinerary, and it'll show in a map in a cool way. You can see photos of places, places' address, bookmark your trip, see what influencers are saying about the places you wanna go on youtube, instagram and tiktok.

It's a tailored solution for needs of new gen of solo travelers. The app helps you explore any city easy and connects you with other nomads. Just start using and let the magic happens.

It was built for needs of new gen of solo travelers, kind of people who love travel alone and explore places, but feel free to use it if you aren't any of those. But it's important to say that solves commum problems of travelers and solo travelers like explore cool places to go.

Yes, it does. All itineraries will be shown in a map so you can see exactly location of each place.

Yes, you can. After the itinerary or trip be generated with activities to explore in town, you can bookmark the itinerary, or specific places.

Yes, you can. Yes you can do it through the explore feed, you can see trip itinerary made by other nomads, you can check, explore and bookmark it, including the places.

Yes, it does. You can see photos of food and places it'll help you see and figure out best what each place has to offer.

Yes, you can. After creating a trip itinerary on explore page or through your profile, just select change the trip's name.

Yes, you can. For each place or activity you can see what people are saying about on tiktok, instagram and youtube. It's good to see what other people are saying about the place.

You'll see cool trips generated by other nomads, and you can explore them, also you will find top places to explore.

Yes, you can, as soon as you build a trip or post something to your profile, you be eligible to user feed, so other nomads can see what you're doing and like it.

Yes, you can, as soon as you add a place (activity) to you profile, a place with nomads that have been there will be shown on places feed, it's a cool way to discover places.

Yes, they can have one, as soon as they create an account.

You can have a photo, name, description, trips, bookmarks, and activities. Also in your profile will be highlighted activities you explored.

Yes, you can delete trips, bookmarked places, and activities. It includes your account.

You have limits because computation of trips and itineraries do have costs. Beside that free services go nowhere and usually offer a poor service. By a paid service is able to keep improving it, and making it better. Let's be honest there's no motivation in build free stuff.

The app does have curated city most visited by the digital noamds. The city guide is created by hand picked by other digital nomads. But it's more than a city guide, it's an app to nomads find cool places to go in any city, settle fast, be productive anywhere, and connect with other digital nomads around the world.

Yes, it does. That's why Nomading app was created for, to help digital nomads find cool things to do wherever they are.

You'll get all benefit listed above and creating itineraries with 3 activities, app will contain ads, and limited number of trips per day.

You'll get all benefit listed above and creating itineraries with up to 10 activities, no ads across the app, and 10 credits per day to create itineraries,

By being free people can't take it serious and me as a maker will have no motivation to work for free having bills, servers, and all that stuffs to pay. By paying is good way to support my work, show your appreciation, and invest in the app improvement app quality improvement on daily basis.